UNILORIN Rain (2nd) Semester Continuous Assessment Timetable for Returning Students 2017/2018

University of Ilorin, UNILORIN Continuous Assessment timetable for returning students (500-200 Level) for the Rain [2nd] Semester, 2017/2018 academic session is out. 
The University of Ilorin (UNILORIN) Continuous Assessment timetable for returning students for the rain (second) semester, 2017/2018 academic session is out.

UNILORIN Rain Semester Continuous Assessment Timetable.

All issues of clashes, omissions, etc. should reach the CBT Centre on or before 20th June 2018 , after which the final time table will be released.

Students are to note that the examinations for each course will hold as scheduled.
Lateness especially after the scheduled period WILL NOT be countenanced.
No bags, wallets, biros, phones, bangles, neck-chains and wristwatches of any type are allowed at the CBT centred.

Pencil (wooden type) may be allowed.
All Regulations Governing Examinations are spelt out in the Academic Regulations Hand Book must adhered to.
