5 mistakes you must avoid to secure admission this year

5 mistakes you must avoid to secure admission this year

1) filling of wrong/incorrect or incomplete information

2) Choosing only one institution

3) not reading your school past question – call 07088130003 to get it now

4) missing your post utme exam

5) not getting informed

As the 2018 post utme exam is approaching, you need to avoid filling of wring information and many candidates have been denied admission as a result of one mistake or the other. Try as much as possible to enter correct information.
Secondly, choosing one institution is not good enough, you can apply for 1 university and 1 polytechnic or two universities or two polytechnics.

Killing 1 bird with two stones is the best thing you can do for yourself this year.
If you want to succeed in post utme exam, do jot underestimate the importance of past question paper.
You need to read and study your past question before the commence of the exam.
To get past question for your school you can call 07088130003 now

Moreso, many candidates are fall victim of missing the post utme exam due to the distance of the school or issue locating the exam venue.you need to be prapare to avoid this possible scenario.

Anyone that fail to partake in post utme exam will be automatically denied admission.

Lastly, always visit Promise54.blogspot.Com to get the latest information about your school.
